reflection by Fr. Peter McGrath C.P.
Desperate for a coffee, crossing the busy road quickly, I was halted at the curb. There in front of me was the green hedge of the coffee shop and just one white flower.
A dismissive voice behind me “only one white flower!”. It came from an old man also braving the crossing. I reflected “Only one white flower… Only one white flower in all that green!”
A memory came to me. There was a time millions of years ago on our evolving planet when there was the first flower that ever bloomed, all alone in a world of green. One flower to be followed by so many that changed the world forever.
It would be only when humans walked the earth that those flowers would touch the hearts and the spirit of mankind, bringing a beauty, grace and peace beyond all measure.Here before me was the symbol of it all. Just one white flower.
My mind switched tracks and I thought of that African motto “It takes a whole village to raise one child”.
Again I was reminded of the vital importance of our little Family Group Movement.
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